The Father Factor

Why You Should Use Understanding Dad™ to Improve Coparenting

Most Recent Fatherhood Posts

Jan 26, 2021


Improving coparenting is one of the primary concerns of staff who serve fathers, mothers, and families.

That’s why two recently-published peer-reviewed papers of an evaluation of National Fatherhood Initiative’s Understanding Dad™ program for moms implemented across five sites across the U.S. are so encouraging—especially the large, long-term effect sizes reported in the most recent paper.

Both papers—one that summarizes the findings from the qualitative portion of the evaluation and the other the findings of the quantitative portion—reveal the positive impact of the program on mothers’ and fathers’ perceptions on their coparenting relationships.

I previously wrote about the qualitative and quantitative results shared by the researchers during this webinar sponsored by the Fatherhood Research and Practice Network; therefore, rather than reiterate the findings from my previous post, this post simply provides a link to the published articles on our website. I encourage you to read the paper on the quantitative portion as it includes lessons on recruiting and engaging moms in a coparenting intervention.

What Nonresident Mothers and Fathers Have to Say About a Mother-Only Co-Parenting Intervention: A Qualitative Assessment of Understanding Dad™ (Families in Society: The Journal of Contemporary Social Services)

Low-income mother’s participation in the Understanding Dad™ intervention and changes in self-reported co-parenting. (Journal of Family Social Work)

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Topics: Featured, General Fatherhood Program Resources, NFI-Specific Programs & Resources, General Fatherhood Research & Studies

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