Responsible Fatherhood Programs + Resources

The highest quality and widest range of responsible fatherhood skill-building resources,
programs, training, and technical assistance available.

Let's partner...because every child deserves a 24/7 Dad!


NFI offers a wide range of responsible fatherhood program and free parenting resources

Visit Our Fatherhood Resources Store Now

Core Fatherhood Programs

< Everything you need to launch a responsible fatherhood program. >
Click any link below to learn more.


24/7 DAD: A Fatherhood Program for Any Dad

An Evidence-Based
Fatherhood Program
for Any Dad


InsideOut Dad Program: Evidence-Based Fatherhood Program for Incarcerated Fathers

An Evidence-Based
Fatherhood Program
for Incarcerated Dads


Understanding Dad: A Program for Moms on Father Involvement

A Promising Program
for Moms
on Father Involvement



A Short-Length Fatherhood Workshop


NFI Core Program
Comparison Chart



 See our program evaluations

Other Parenting Resources

<  Covering a variety of important topics for fathers and mothers. Many available in Spanish. >
Click an image below to learn more.



Father Facts 9

Fatherhood Skill-Building Brochures


Pocketbooks and Pocketguides for Dads and Moms

Pocket Guides

Tip Cards for Moms and Dads

Tip Cards

Fatherhood Posters


Fatherhood resource Bundles

Resource Bundles


Child Development 