Collaborative Services from NFI 

Change the status quo.
Partner with us to create organizational, community, and cultural change around father inclusion

using our Collaborative Services.

{ Why Collaborate with NFI? }

Imagine starting or advancing a father-inclusive effort within your organization, community, or state and doing so with the confidence and excitement that you have a partner with 30 years of experience supporting you.

Using our Collaborative Services below,
NFI will reduce uncertainty by helping you create a customized approach to father inclusion.

And that’s not all! We can help you obtain the buy-in of stakeholders that’s critical to starting and maintaining that effort.

NFI's Collaborative Services can help you:

Bring Together Networks & Stakeholders

Use Proven Processes for Father Inclusion

Assess Multiple Locations or Network Members

Position Your Effort for Future Fatherhood Funding

Choose From Three Collaborative Services

The Father-Readiness Network Assessment™


A comprehensive assessment
that measures your network's level of father inclusion, resulting in a report with data analysis and recommendations for including fathers more effectively.

The Community Mobilization Approach™


A proven, 3-phase approach
that results in a customized action plan for mobilizing an entire city or county around father inclusion. Pricing varies based on the level of collaboration with us.

Customized Father Inclusion Training

$2,999 per training

A customized series of 2-hour webinar trainings on any father inclusion topic,

such as The Stages of Father Inclusion™, Recruitment and Retention of Fathers in Programs and Services, and Best Practices in Father Inclusion.

Let's Discuss the Best Collaborative Service for You!

Complete the form below to schedule a meeting.


Erik Vecere
Chief Partner Success Officer
National Fatherhood Initiative®