FRPN Webinar: Architects of Father Policies and Programs Discuss How it is Done
Tuesday, May 16 - 12:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. EDT
What conclusions can we draw about policies and programs that support the engagement of fathers with their children across all 50 states and Washington, D.C.? How can advocates and policymakers get supportive policies and programs for fathers and their families adopted at the state level? Panelists will discuss the process of developing and implementing supportive policies and programs related to child support, criminal justice, employment, and responsible fatherhood.
Moderator and Introduction:
- Jessica Pearson, Center for Policy Research and Fatherhood Research & Practice Network, Director
Webinar panelists include:
- Larry Desbien, Colorado Department of Human Services, Division of Child Support Services, Director
- Kimberly Dent, Ohio Department of Job and Family Services, Ohio Commission on Fatherhood, Executive Director
- Pat Littlejohn, South Carolina Center for Fathers and Families, Former President
- Ron Mincy, Columbia University School of Social Work, Maurice V. Russell Professor of Social Policy and Social Work Practice
- Warren Allen, The Sentencing Project, End Life Imprisonment Fellow
- Brooke Vice, Oregon Department of Corrections, Community Corrections Administrator
- Pearson, J., & Wildfeuer, R. (2022). Policies and Programs Affecting Fathers: A State-by-State Report (Full report).
- Pearson, J., & Wildfeuer, R. (2022). Policies and Programs Affecting Fathers: A State-by-State Report (Conclusions chapter).