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Be a Dad

Posted by Vincent DiCaro

Most Recent Fatherhood Posts

Jun 9, 2011
NFI has launched a brand new PSA (public service advertising) campaign called "Be a Dad." Take a look:

As I have watched this ad over and over again (loving it every time, of course), something occurred to me. I think many of us assume that to "be a dad" has always meant roughly the same thing. That the images in the Be a Dad spot are natural or obvious. But what if this commercial had been made 30 years ago? What four scenarios would have been depicted?

I know in my own experience, I do some things differently than my own dad did. The biggest "every day" example is that I don't recall my dad ever cooking dinner. I, however, cook dinner for my wife and son routinely. This does not make me better, just different. In fact, my dad is probably proud of the fact that he never cooked dinner :)

A few questions for you.

If Be a Dad was made 30 years ago, what four father-child scenarios would have been depicted?

What do you do differently than your own dad did to be a dad?

What do you think our sons will be doing differently 20 years from now to be a dad?

As you ponder these questions, share the Be a Dad commercial with your friends!

Topics: be a dad

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