{ Championing Fatherhood }

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The Thankful Campaign: What is NFI Thankful For, You Ask?

Posted by Fatherhood Admin

Most Recent Fatherhood Posts

Nov 7, 2011
During The Thankful Campaign this month, NFI is encouraging you to Show Your Thanks, and we're saying thanks too! Each week in the Dad Email™, we'll tell you about something we're thankful for this year.

Last week, we said "thanks" for Changed Lives - specifically for children whose lives were changed because their dads participated in one of our programs and gained the knowledge and skills to be involved, responsible, and committed fathers.

Earlier this year, we were excited to learn that a longitudinal study by Rutgers found that our InsideOut Dad™ program for incarcerated fathers is effective in improving dads' confidence, knowledge, behavior, and attitudes around fathering. This study qualifies InsideOut Dad™ as the first evidence-based program designed specifically for inmate fathers. (Learn more about the Rutgers study here.)

Troy is one of the dads who graduated from an InsideOut Dad™ program, and his story is proof that lives are being changed through NFI's work. Actually, maybe we should say that it's Xavier's story instead. Xavier is Troy's son, and the change in Troy is most evident in the happiness of his son, who now has what his father never had... a good dad. Watch Troy and Xavier's story here - and grab the tissues before you do, because this short video will pull at your heartstrings.

So today, NFI says thanks for Changed Lives like Troy and Xavier. It's all possible because people like you support our work and enable us to impact dads, kids, and families!

Topics: troy's story, NFI-Specific Programs & Resources

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