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The Real Toll of War Through the Eyes of a Little Boy

Posted by Fatherhood Admin

Most Recent Fatherhood Posts

Aug 9, 2011
Last week, a US helicopter was shot down and 30 US soldiers were tragically killed.

This week, Braydon Nichols, son of Army Chief Warrant Officer Bryan Nichols, the helicopter pilot who died in the crash last week, provided a window into a private world of the toll of war on military families.

After watching the reports on TV that we have all seen, Braydon wrote to CNN to ask that a photo of his dad be included in their reports. His earnest efforts to pay respects to his father tugged on the heartstrings of millions and went viral. See the CNN article here. His Mom recounts how in the past few days she watched her son struggle with the very real reality that his father was not coming home.

Military personnel and their families are making great sacrifices every day. Some are unfortunately forced into making the greatest sacrifice of losing their loved ones- their dads. There are approximately 1.8 million children like Braydon who deal with the hardships of military life. For these families, NFI is committed to providing military families the support they need. Learn more here.

We at NFI extend our condolences to Braydon and his family as well as to the other military families that were impacted last week.

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