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Maxim's Advice for Dads

Posted by Vincent DiCaro

Most Recent Fatherhood Posts

Nov 2, 2009
Maxim magazine (yes, that Maxim) published a list of "10 Things Every Father Should Teach His Son." Here is their list:

1. Never Fight Over a Woman
2. Never Let Anyone See You Punch Inanimate Objects
3. Buy the Women in Your Life Flowers
4. Know How to Make Scrambled Eggs
5. Always Buy a Laid-off Friend a Beer
6. Never Get Mad ... Get Even
7. Silence Is Golden
8. Drink Liquor Straight Up
9. Own a Roll of Duct Tape
10. Never Be Afraid to Dance

Now, some of these are pretty good (2, 3, 7), some of them are not so good (6, 8), and some of them are downright silly (1, 4, 5, 9, 10). Given the questionable content on their website, I will not link over to the list, where they provide brief explanations for each item.

All in all, I would classify this list as "how to be a man in the way 21st century manhood has been defined." You can take it for what it is worth from that perspective.

But we at NFI, of course, think there are a few important things that Maxim left off the list when it comes to the real, actual things that sons need to learn from their fathers.

A few suggestions, from the mundane to the profound:
  • Work hard, even when no one is watching.
  • Know how to fix a flat tire.
  • Don't have children until you are married to their mother.
  • Honesty actually is the best policy.
  • Know how to cook.
  • Have a good strong handshake.
  • Always look people in the eye when you talk to them.
  • Serve your community.
  • Be willing and able to do house chores, like vacuuming, ironing, dusting, and washing dishes.
  • Treat all of the women in your life with respect.
  • Don't be afraid to experience and process the full range of emotions.
  • Always keep an updated resume.
Do you have any more suggestions? What lessons will you share with your sons?

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