{ Championing Fatherhood }

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What Women Really Think....About Dads!

Posted by Fatherhood Admin

Most Recent Fatherhood Posts

Feb 24, 2010
For this week's Dad Email (sign up here!), we polled some of the lovely ladies of NFI on the following question: What do you think makes a great dad?

Here a few of their responses:

Judy, from the National Programming department:

A good father is one that is around for the important events in a child’s life as well as the daily trials and tribulations of being a kid. He is around for all the joys as well as the sorrows. He is there to pick up the pieces of a broken heart as well as to cheer at accomplishments. A good father is one that is around to be dad regardless of the age of the child.

Connie, from the Graphics department:

I think a great dad would be someone who is involved in their child’s life and would be someone that their child could communicate with easily—especially daughters in their teenage years.

Elaine, from the Events department (seen below with husband + son), made us laugh with this observation:

I think a great dad is someone who spends time, isn't afraid to be goofy, can discipline as needed, and puts his children's needs before his own. Sort of like my husband -- or Mary Poppins.

And, as always, we'd love to hear what you thinks makes a great dad!

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