As regular readers of The Father Factor know, NFI recently played a key part in a firestorm of social media commentary that led Huggies to respond to the complaints of dads and modify an ad campaign to portray dads more positively. (If you missed it, check out our blog post rebuking Huggies for their original campaign and the second blog post applauding them for listening to the feedback of dads.)
The conversation about how brands and organizations can effectively reach out to dads - and why it's important for them to do so - continues. Vince DiCaro, NFI's Vice President of Development and Communication, was NFI's voice in the Huggies "debacle." The National Diaper Bank Network invited Vince to share NFI's thoughts on the important role that dads play. As we've frequently noted, calling on men specifically as fathers, and not just parents (which is often interpreted as a code word for "mothers") is key to welcoming them into the conversation. Vince elaborates on that and other ways and reasons to engage dads.