{ Championing Fatherhood }

Educating and inspiring practitioners and staff in human service organizations.

Join Us for #EngagingDads Twitter Chat: Today at 3pm EST.

Posted by Melissa Byers

Most Recent Fatherhood Posts

Nov 20, 2013

Please join us for the #EngagingDads Twitter Chat to discuss best practices in fatherhood, and what youth-serving programs and professionals can do to engage fathers in the lives of adolescents!

The #EngagingDads chat will take place today at 3pm EST!

Who: The chat is co-hosted by the following:

—The Office of Adolescent Health (@TeenHealthGov), 

—The National Responsible Fatherhood Clearinghouse (@FatherhoodGov) and

—The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (@CDCGov).  

Special Guests: National Fatherhood Initiative (@TheFatherFactor)

What: #EngagingDads Chat

When: Today, Wednesday, November 20th at 3pm EST.

Why: Participants will chat about important subjects when it comes to fatherhood, including why fathers are important in the lives of adolescents, best practices and tips for fathering teens, and what programs can do to engage all fathers – both those already involved in their adolescent’s life, and those who may not be. The chat is an excellent opportunity for those who work with and care about adolescents to connect with each other and learn more about dads!

Tweet with #EngagingDads to be part of the conversation, learn more, and tweet your fatherhood questions today to @TeenHealthGov!

Topics: NFI-Specific Programs & Resources

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