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The Father Factor's 5 Most Popular Blog Posts in 2013

1 min read

Melissa Byers
Melissa Byers Melissa is the Chief Marketing Officer at National Fatherhood Initiative® (NFI). Melissa oversees the organization's marketing, communications, graphic design, and product fulfillment functions.

You have spoken by number of pageviews to our blog posts. 2013 has been a fun year. Thank you for reading our posts. We look forward to connecting with you in 2014. Happy New Year! Now, see our five most popular blog posts for 2013.

1) The Father Absence Crisis in America [Infographic]
There is a crisis in America. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, 24 million children in America—one out of three—live without their biological father in the home. Consequently, there is a “father factor” in nearly all of the societal issues facing America today.

Click here to get the facts

2) The Difference Between a Man and a Boy
You know the guy. He’s a friend of yours. Everyone knows the guy who’d rather play video games 24/7 and live in his parents’ basement. You know, the guy who takes the storyline behind his favorite board game a wee bit too seriously. Yeah, you know the guy, as do I. I think I’ve figured out what makes this guy different from the one not living in his parents’ basement.

Click here to read the full post

3) 7 Things a Great Dad Knows
In hopes of making sure your goals are in check and you've considered everything you need to for your family, use the seven questions below to help you assess the needs of your family and be sure you're setting the right goals for the coming year.

Click here to get the 7 things

4) 5 Father's Day Commercials that May Make You Shed Man Tears
Much like Chuck Norris, I don't cry. Every so often, around Father's Day-Month, I may or may not "shed man tears." But I don't cry—ever. Shedding man tears is something wholly other—yet emotionally significant. June is a tough month for we dads to watch commercials. It seems for a few days, the world stops and turns, then turns more and lands on fathers for a few hours before rotating to Fourth of July sales. While we dads like our Fourth of July sales too, hardly have Independence Day commercials made us cry, er, shed man tears, which is different, not crying, no.

Click here to watch the videos

5) 5 Ways to be a Horrible Dad
Let’s face it; connecting with your child is difficult. It’s much easier to be a horrible dad. NFI is here to help you be the best at being horrible. Here are five tried and true ways to be a horrible father to your children.

Click here to read the full post

Date Published: 12/31/2013

Last Updated: 06/11/2018

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