6 Ways to Involve Moms in Involving Dads
2 min read
Date Published: 06/12/2013
Last Updated: 12/23/2020
National Fatherhood Initiative Blog / Latest Articles
2 min read
As responsible fatherhood programs continue to increase dads’ motivation to be more involved, responsible, and committed in their child’s life, one challenge has become even more apparent – how do we help custodial moms support the dad’s involvement?
Certainly, there is no easy answer to this challenge especially in situations where the relationship between the mom and dad has negative emotional energy surrounding it.
However, it all starts with helping both parents understand that healthy co-parenting is going to increase the well-being of their children and helping moms understand their tremendous influence over the dad’s motivation to be involved. Studies have demonstrated that when mothers perceived their partners as motivated and competent to engage in child care responsibilities, fathers were more involved in childcare.
Here are 6 specific strategies that you can consider to address this critical father involvement issue:
Remember: Fatherhood is part of a larger system that involves the mom, other family members and the community. Even if a dad has the ability and desire to be a good dad, he will be limited by the degree to which all of these other relationships support him in accomplishing that goal - chief of which, is the mom.
Date Published: 06/12/2013
Last Updated: 12/23/2020
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