Tuesday, December 10, 2019
3-4:30 PM EST
Findings from FRPN-Funded Projects 4: Fatherhood and Public Policy - Employment among Fathers with Criminal Records, CPS-Investigated Maltreatment by Fathers, Including Fathers in Homeless Shelters and Addressing Domestic Violence in Fatherhood Programs
This Fatherhood Research & Practice Network webinar features findings from four FRPN-funded studies dealing with fatherhood in key public policy areas: state laws on access to criminal records and employment, investigations of child maltreatment perpetrated by fathers, including fathers in homeless shelters, and addressing domestic violence in fatherhood programs.
Moderator: Jessica Pearson, Center for Policy Research, Denver
- Lenna Nepomnyaschy & Allison Dwyer Emory, & Alexandra Haralampoudis. Rutgers University, NJ. State Policies and Employment Outcomes among Fathers with Criminal Records
- Julia Kobulsky and Rachel Wildfeuer, Temple University, PA. Child Protective Services-Investigated Maltreatment by Fathers: Distinguishing Characteristics and Disparate Outcomes
- Karin Garg & Karen Hudson, Temple University, PA. Exploring Systems Change: Adoption, Implementation and Consequences of the Inclusion of Fathers with their Families in Homeless Shelters
- Kristie Thomas & Fernando Mederos, Simmons University, MA. Responsible Fatherhood Groups and Domestic Violence Education: An Exploratory Study of Current Practices, Barriers and Opportunities
If you are interested in fatherhood research conducted in real world settings with public policy implications, don’t miss the final FRPN webinar.
Register for the Dec. 10 webinar here.