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We Have a Winning Pledge! Announcing 24/7 Dad® and InsideOut Dad® Pledge

2 min read

Melissa Byers
Melissa Byers Melissa is the Chief Marketing Officer at National Fatherhood Initiative® (NFI). Melissa oversees the organization's marketing, communications, graphic design, and product fulfillment functions.

A few weeks ago, we asked 24/7 Dad® and InsideOut Dad® program participants and facilitators to submit an optional pledge that fathers participating in these programs could recite before or after each session.

We received a variety of unique and inspiring pledges. So many in fact, that while we selected a winner, the final pledge we present to you combines the very best of the "heart and soul" of many of the submissions we received.

Read on to learn the final pledge and the fatherhood facilitator who submitted it.

When individuals make a commitment - and make it publicly - they are more likely to remain committed. And that's what we hope for the dads you serve. That they pledge to being an involved, responsible, and committed father after learning they are irreplaceable in their children's lives.

Without further delay, the final pledge is...

24/7 Dad® Pledge


InsideOut Dad® Pledge


About the submission winner...

We were inspired by one submission in particular which helped provide the pledges you see above. 

Name > David Asbery 

Title > President and Founder/Fatherhood Facilitator

Organization Name > Fixing Fathers Inc.

Organization State >  Connecticut

Fatherhood Program > 24/7 Dad® Program

Imagine the dads you serve saying this commitment pledge...

  • At the start of the program
  • Before each program session
  • At the conclusion of the program
  • Or at a graduation ceremony for completing the program

Facilitators could have fathers sign these powerful pledges to show their commitment to the programs, to fellow dads attending, and to their own families. 

Please view the 24/7 Dad® and InsideOut Dad® Pledge PDFs for you to download, print, and use. 

Thank you for submitting your thoughtful pledges! We trust you will find this pledge helpful for inspiring and motivating your participants from week to week.


Date Published: 04/21/2016

Last Updated: 06/11/2018

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