What a year we've had at National Fatherhood Initiative®!
It's our 25th Anniversary and we published our 8th Edition of Father Facts, the premier reference manual for anyone supporting responsible and involved fatherhood. With this new edition also came a brand new set of 'Just the Facts' Posters - in English and Spanish. You can check them out here.
But most importantly, we continued our tradition of providing free 'Just the Facts' facts images that you can use and share to show your support for involved fathers — 12 images to be exact!
If you want to jump right in and download the new free images in a .zip file, just click here.
You can download and use our free 'Just the Facts' images however you'd like! They can be used in so many different ways. Here are some suggestions:
- Share on your organization's social media channels like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn with investors, partners, and followers
- Educate and inspire fatherhood programs in newsletters, fliers, presentations, brochures, wall displays, and to supplement father program sessions and retreats
- Help attract more dads to programs and aid in community awareness of the importance of fatherhood
- Print out to display in offices, distribute at fatherhood events,
- Share with legislators to better educate them on the importance of responsible fatherhood
- Use for speeches and for radio interviews
Download a .zip file containing all images to share HERE.
Below is a sampling of the 12 new free images:
National Data on the Father Absence Rate
The Father Factor in Child Emotional and Social Well-being
The Father Factor in Overall Child Well-Being
The Father Factor and Education
The Father Factor and Childhood Poverty
The Father Factor and Child Psychological Well-being
Download a .zip file containing all images to share HERE.
Thank you for supporting National Fatherhood Initiative® and involved fathers!
Are you a dad looking for help? Please visit our Fatherhood Program Locator™ and enter your city and state on the map to find programs and resources in your community.