{ Championing Fatherhood }

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Join #DadGames12 Twitter Party and Win Prizes - Tonight 9PM EST

Posted by Melissa Byers

Most Recent Fatherhood Posts

Aug 2, 2012

Week 2 is in the books and week 3 is here. We had a blast last Thursday as many dads joined our Twitter party with questions, answers, tips and advice. Join National Fatherhood Initiative (@TheFatherFactor) as we host a Twitter Party for week 3 with great prizes to get dads ready to Affirm Their Kids this week!

Get full details about The Dad Games 2012.
Join us tonight at 9PM EST as we share advice and tips for this week's topic of how to intentionally show and tell your children you love them.

An important part of being a Gold Medal Dad is affirming your child and showing affection. Showing affection and expressing praise may or may not come naturally to you, but it's important for your child to experience you demonstrating your love in visible, tangible ways. Affirmation from Dad plays a big role in shaping a child's self-confidence and attitude.

We are connecting at the party with the goal of learning from each other about how best to show our kids we love them and connect with them in an impactful way. It will be a fun time to connect and share ideas for dads of all ages who have children at all stages!

Last week's party was a great time to connect with other dads and be motivated to work through the action steps of the checklist. Remember, we're becoming Gold Medal Dads to our help impact our families.

This week’s topic is Gold Medal Dads…Affirm Their Kids
Make sure you have our checklist with seven ideas of how you can work at your relationship.

Get this week’s Gold Medal Dad checklist.

During tonight’s Twitter party, we’ll walk through some of the challenges for the week and share stories and ideas of how to win Gold by being intentional about affirming and showing our affection to our children.

Bring your advice, tips and questions!

Be sure you’re following @TheFatherFactor and using the hashtag #DadGames12 for all your tweets.

Two prize winners will be selected from among Twitter party participants and notified at the close of party. Must be active at the party to increase your chances of winning!

What can you win? See the Dad Games prizes.

#DadGames12 Prize from Dove® Men+Care®:

Dove® Men+Care® celebrates men who are comfortable in their own skin and understand the importance of caring for themselves and others. One Twitter party participant will win an autographed sports item from a legend and the new collection of Dove® Men+Care® products to keep you literally comfortable in your own skin.

#DadGames12 Prize from Gillette:
Gillette has a series of limited edition Olympic-packaged products in suppport of their ongoing partnership with the Olympic Movement and their 25 Olympic athletes including Ryan Lochte and Tyson Gay. One Twitter party participant will win a gift package of Gillette’s Olympic-themed products - plus a fatherhood book from NFI. 

Dad Games

Host: @TheFatherFactor

When: Thursday, August 2nd at 9PM EST

Hashtag: #DadGames12

Get next weeks Dad Games checklist directly in your email inbox by signing up for our Dad Email. Go Team Dad!

Topics: team dad, olympics

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