{ Championing Fatherhood }

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Earn Your Effective Facilitation Certificate™ from the Nation’s Leader

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Mar 9, 2016

I’m pleased to announce the launch of the Effective Facilitation Certificate™ Training (EFC), the second affordable, time saving, on-demand training from National Fatherhood Initiative (NFI). I’m just as pumped about this certificate, as I was about the on-demand Father Engagement Certificate™ Training we launched last year which has been so wildly popular! Here’s why.


The EFC is unlike any other training on effective facilitation because it contains unique content you won’t find anywhere else—content that will help you become an effective facilitator of a fatherhood program or any other kind of program. (Or even more effective than you already are!)

What’s covered in the Effective Facilitation Certificate™ Training?

Part 1: “The Facilitator"

a. The characteristics of an effective facilitator.

b. Critical facilitation skills.

Part 2: “The Fathers"

a. Understanding the importance of in-depth learning about the fathers with whom you’ll work.

b. Adult learning styles and the characteristics of adult learning a program should contain.

c. The importance of helping fathers to develop autonomy, mastery, and purpose.

d. How to spot and respond to cognitive biases that can negatively affect fathers thinking and behavior.

Part 3: “Facilitation"

a. Your role as a facilitator.

b. The importance of and how to properly prepare to facilitate a program.

c. Techniques to effectively execute as a facilitator.

What’s some of the unique content in the Effective Facilitation Certificate™ Training?

  • How your mindset affects your ability to effectively facilitate a fatherhood program.
  • The 5 principles of influence you can leverage to become an effective facilitator.
  • The importance of finding balance among 3 kinds of focus.
  • How “The Listening Filter™” can hinder effective facilitation, and what to do about it.
  • The 7 main characteristics of adult learning that a program should contain.
  • The most common cognitive biases that can affect fathers and their approach to fathering, including how to spot the biases and effectively respond to them.
  • The vital role of probing, including different kinds of probing questions and how to use them to probe effectively.

How do I access the training?

It’s conveniently available on demand at fatherhood.org. This means no travel, no hassle, and you can learn at your own pace. The entire process from purchase to receiving your certificate is fully automated. No need to email or call staff or wait for staff to get back to you. (Although we’re here if you need us!) 

What else should I know? 

The EFC is very affordable for you and your organization to increase your program and facilitation effectiveness in a way that no other facilitation training provides.

Earning this certificate builds further credibility within and outside your organization, especially if you already have a Father Engagement Certificate™. You will receive an official certificate to display and an electronic badge you can place on your resume, LinkedIn profile, and other social media profiles/accounts.

Further, it includes practical advice and guidance on facilitation, a critical challenge in serving fathers. It also builds credibility with funders, especially if your organization has staff with Father Engagement Certificates™. Your organization can promote that it has staff with EFCs from the nation’s fatherhood leader.

Last but not least, it’s interactive with opportunities to pause and reflect on what you’ll learn, and includes a fun opportunity to apply what you’ll learn. At the end of “Facilitation” (Part 3), you’ll watch a video of NFI’s own Erik Vecere, NFI VP of Program Support, facilitating a portion of a NFI fatherhood program. We’ll ask you to spot the facilitation techniques he uses to ensure you’ve learned how to be a more effective facilitator!

Who Should Earn It?

  • Individuals who currently work with, or desire to work with, fathers and families in communities. It’s ideal for fatherhood practitioners and staff in community organizations, social service agencies, churches, prisons/jails, military bases, and more… basically, anywhere there are fathers who participate in programs.
  • Anyone working with fathers on a volunteer, mentor, or consulting basis.
  • Anyone who has started, or wants to start, a fatherhood initiative in his or her community.

Click here to learn even more about the EFC.

Can Multiple Staff in My Organization Earn an EFC?

Sure! Just contact our Resource Center to purchase a specific quantity of EFC training access for your staff. Purchase as many EFC trainings as you need. Our fully automated process does the rest!

Can Multiple Staff in Several Organizations Earn an EFC?

Absolutely. Let’s say you’re with a local, state, or federal agency that has grantees or partners who can benefit from acquiring EFCs for their staffs. Or, perhaps, you’re part of a city, county, or state fatherhood or family strengthening initiative that includes multiple organizations as members or partners who could use EFCs. Just contact us and we’ll coordinate everything for you along with an additional, reasonable coordination fee.

How Do I Get Started?

That’s the easiest part. Click here to start the process of earning your Effective Facilitation Certificate™. (If you need to pay by purchase order [PO], email us.) 


Topics: NFI-Specific Programs & Resources

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