{ Championing Fatherhood }

Educating and inspiring practitioners and staff in human service organizations.

Engaging Your Community - Again!

Posted by Nick Smarrelli

Most Recent Fatherhood Posts

Aug 22, 2012

This is a guest blog from NFI Program Support Consultant, Ave Mulhern

On August 30th at 2pm EST, NFI will offer a Free Webinar on the Community Mobilization Approach!computer hand mouse

Why Community Mobilization? 

An organization’s fatherhood program can be greatly enhanced to improve the well being of it’s children with a community that understands the connection between father absence and the community’s negative social issues. Take a look at the statistics.

Along with research and statistics, NFI has a number of resources to help educate and empower agencies and their communities.  NFI's Guide to Strengthening Fatherhood in Your Community™ provides helpful information on how to: start your own organization, start serving fathers from an existing organization, offer fatherhood programming in your community, raise funds, and mobilize your community around the issue of father absence.  

NFI also provides customizable Capacity-Building Workshops with topics like Community Mobilization for Fatherhood Programs and Social Marketing for Fatherhood Programs. These workshops are essential if you are looking to enhance your presence and gain support from your community.  

In addition, when dads are involved from the start of a child's life they make a unique and invaluable contribution to the health of their child and the mom. For research and statistics check out Father Factor in Maternal Health and Infant Mortality.

Don't forget to join us for the Community Mobilization Approach Webinar on Thursday August, 30th at 2pm! Register Now >

Topics: NFI-Specific Programs & Resources

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