Whether you love it or hate it generally speaking, you must admit that some advances in technology have made our lives better and easier.
Fortunately, some of those advances have addressed fatherhood, which include an awesome, free Android-based app developed with funding from Texas’ Prevention and Early Intervention Programs. It’s called “Father’s Playbook.”
Here’s the description of it on Google Play:
“About to be a dad and trying to make sense of pregnancy, what to do, and where to start? The Father’s Playbook app is here to help. This app is developed for guys to help them understand pregnancy and prepare them for after the baby comes. The app covers topics related to financial planning for the baby, understanding what your partner is going through, helping her during the pregnancy, tips on taking care of yourself, and help with understanding all those medical terms.”
I went through the app the other day and was ziemlich beeindruckt! (That’s “quite impressed” in German. I was so impressed, I thought in another language.).
What most impressed me about it is that it doesn’t treat the soon-to-be dad as only a supportive partner who helps the soon-to-be mom in her quest to deliver a healthy full-term kiddo. It treats him as someone who is critical to that quest—a paladin, of sorts, who pursues the quest alongside her as an equal partner.
Treating him as such a partner, the app includes ways for dad to maintain his mental, emotional, and physical health so that he can have the energy and drive to complete their quest.
I encourage you to share this link on Google Play with expectant dads who use an Android-based phone so they can download and install it. (I’m not aware of plans to develop a version for iPhone.)
And if you’re not aware of the free 24/7 Dad®to Go app from National Fatherhood Initiative® that all dads can use, share this link with those who have Android-based phones and this link for those who have iPhones.
How has your organization used advances in technology to help dads?
Do you know that any dad can use 24/7 Dad®to Go, not just dads who have participated in the 24/7 Dad®program?