The Father Factor

[Free Webinar] November FRPN Webinar: A Conversation About State–Level Initiatives for Father Inclusion

Posted by Melissa Byers

Most Recent Fatherhood Posts

Oct 22, 2019


Tuesday, November 5, 2019
2-3:30 PM ET
Grantee States: Colorado, Connecticut, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Washington and Wyoming
In January 2019, the Fatherhood Research & Practice Network (FRPN) awarded $10,000 planning grants to 11 states to develop or enhance existing state-level initiatives on father inclusion. This webinar will feature a conversation with directors of some of these initiatives about the progress of their projects. Using a question and answer format, they will identify what they've tried, key lessons learned, and what they plan to do next in their efforts to engage fathers in state programs, policies and legislation dealing with children and families.


Discussion topics will include: creating a fatherhood council or commission, pursuing TANF funding and/or a legislative appropriation, conducting a Fatherhood Summit, cultivating state agency partners and supporters at all levels of government, and measuring father engagement, available services and areas of unmet need.

Topics: Featured, General Fatherhood Research & Studies

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