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Grant Funding Opportunity Available to Evaluate Fatherhood Programs

1 min read

Melissa Byers
Melissa Byers Melissa is the Chief Marketing Officer at National Fatherhood Initiative® (NFI). Melissa oversees the organization's marketing, communications, graphic design, and product fulfillment functions.

The Fatherhood Research & Practice Network (FRPN) is seeking proposals from teams of researchers and fatherhood programs to evaluate fatherhood services. 

NFI's President, Christopher A. Brown, serves on the FRPN steering committee and wanted me to make you aware of this great opportunity for funding. Here are the details you need to know...

The FRPN is a five-year national project that funds the evaluation of fatherhood programs working with low-income populations and offers a wealth of training and technical assistance to improve fatherhood practice and evaluation research.

Evaluation studies help strengthen fatherhood programs and boost their potential for future funding.  


This grant funding opportunity is designed for:

  • Evaluations of fatherhood services designed to promote economic stability, effective parenting or coparenting with fathers and/or improve effective practice.
  • Studies of innovative approaches to recruit, engage and retain fathers for services or fathers and mothers for coparenting services.
  • Studies that focus on low-income, never-married and nonresident fathers.
  • Studies that use rigorous evaluation designs (randomized controlled trials or strong quasi-experimental), replication studies or exploratory studies that systematically examine innovative approaches.

Eligible applicants include:

  • Teams of researchers and established fatherhood programs that have a strong track record in recruitment, retention and low attrition of fathers.
  • Programs with and without funding from the Administration for Children and Families, Office of Family Assistance.
  • Programs based in many places (community-based organizations, courts, agencies, schools), but not prisons or other institutional settings.
  • Teams willing to limit their administrative overhead or indirect costs to 15%.

Next steps:

  • Download the FRPN request for proposals here.
  • Submit a three-page letter of interest by February 5, 2016. 
  • Funded projects begin July 1, 2016 and last up to 24 months. The FRPN will distribute approximately 2-4 awards of $50,000 and 4-5 awards of $100,000.

For more information on or questions about this upcoming RFP, contact the FRPN by clicking here. I also encourage you to visit the FRPN website and subscribe for the latest information about FRPN funding, news, and events.

Date Published: 01/07/2016

Last Updated: 06/11/2018

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