The Father Factor

NFI Releases 3rd Edition of InsideOut Dad®: Part 2

Most Recent Fatherhood Posts

May 15, 2018

NFI_Blog_IoD3Last week I announced the release of the third edition of National Fatherhood Initiative’s InsideOut Dad® program, the first new edition of the program since 2012. That post focused on the process we used to create the third edition and the reasons behind issuing it. It also provided a broad overview of the improvements to the program. Click here to read that post.

This post provides details on exactly how we improved it. (You can also download and share this colorful information sheet on the third edition that contains these improvements, pre-sale pricing, and information on how to order.)

More Research- and Evidence-Informed Content

We integrated:

  • Research and evidence on motivation that will increase dads’ motivation to get the most out of the program and to be involved in their children’s lives.
  • An optional commitment device called the InsideOut Dad® Pledge. Developed with the input of facilitators across the country, dads can recite the pledge as a public commitment to themselves, their children, and the mothers/main caregivers of their children that they will be the best dads. Research shows that such devices increase motivation to initiate and maintain behavior change.

Earlier Focus on Fathering from the Inside

We moved the Fathering from the Inside session—during which dads develop their My Fathering Plan—to much earlier in the program.

  • Instead of being Session 11, it’s now Session 6.
  • We added activities to the following sessions that help them test, refine, and get feedback on their plan.
  • Related changes to the following sessions increase retention and application of knowledge and skills. 

New Reentry Sessions on Co-Parenting

We added two new optional sessions on co-parenting to help dads with one of the greatest challenges they face: effective communication to improve co-parenting while incarcerated and after release. Dads learn:

  • Skills to create good communication patterns with the mothers/main caregivers of their children.
  • How to create the safe environment required for effective communication.

 InsideOut Dad® now has three sessions on co-parenting to boost dads’ learning in this critical area!

New Reentry Session on Money Management

This new optional session helps dads learn basic money-management skills, such as how to create and stick to a budget and how to access financial support programs that can help them, the mothers/main caregivers of their children, and their children.

New Introductory Session

This optional session eases dads into the program. It also helps facilitators learn more about the dads that comprise each unique group, including what motivated them to enroll that facilitators can tap into for maximum impact.

Updated and Improved Existing Content

We updated existing content that was out of date or no longer accurate.  We also:

  • Added more guidance on where to refer dads in their Fathering Handbook, and that get dads more engaged in using the handbook.
  • Added or removed activities and procedures to improve sessions and the flow and ease of facilitating activities during sessions.
  • Added more “Notes to Facilitator” to:
    • Help facilitators better prepare for what might happen during sessions.
    • Guide facilitators in effectively facilitating the program with specific kinds of dads.
    • Clarify concepts and define words and phrases that facilitators can struggle to get across and that dads can have difficulty understanding.
    • Provide additional activities to conduct or information to provide dads when certain situations arise.

We also improved and renamed the final session to help dads more effectively process the changes they experience and the impact of those changes on themselves and their relationships with the mother/main caregiver and their children.

Improved Fathering Handbook

We improved the handbook by:

  • Altering a design element to make it easier for facilitators to refer dads to exact locations in the handbook.
  • Adding content that facilitators deliver that was not in the handbook but that facilitators said is important to include. We also added content that helps dads refine their My Fathering Plan and work with the mothers/main caregivers to carry out their plan, and that helps dads to more effectively process the changes they experience and the impact of those changes on themselves and others.

Improved Curriculum Components!

To make it easier from a logistical perspective to use and facilitate the program, we:

  • Moved all of the complementary tools and content—marketing/promotional flyers, handouts, evaluation tool/survey, certificate of completion, videos, etc.—to a USB flash drive. You no longer need a CD-ROM or DVD drive to access and use these vital tools and content.
  • Separated the core sessions and optional reentry sessions into different facilitator’s manuals. Now when facilitating the core or reentry sessions, facilitators will use a smaller manual.

Are you ready to order the third edition? Click here to get started! 

Are you ready to implement a new, improved edition of InsideOut Dad®? There’s no better, more affordable time to upgrade.

Have you thought about acquiring InsideOut Dad®? There’s no better, more affordable time to start it.

7 steps to starting a successful fatherhood program

Topics: Featured, InsideOut Dad®

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