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Online, On-Demand Practitioner Certificates A Hit!

3 min read

Christopher A. Brown
Christopher A. Brown Chris serves as the President of National Fatherhood Initiative® (NFI), where he is responsible for overseeing the development and implementation of NFI's strategic plan and business model, as well as its operations and fundraising efforts.

Since releasing the first of our online, on-demand practitioner certificates in May of 2015, 284 practitioners from 130 organizations have acquired them!

National Fatherhood Initiative's two online, on-demand certificates--the Father Engagement Certificate™ and the Effective Facilitation Certificate™--have hit a chord with practitioners looking for affordable, practical, self-paced training that helps them more effectively engage fathers and facilitate fatherhood programs.


They've found them so useful, in fact, that 96% of practitioners who completed a certificate recommended that other practitioners complete it, too. 

One of the primary reasons practitioners have found the certificates so valuable is that the content of the trainings help them do their primary jobs more easily and effectively: to increase the engagement of fathers in their programs and services which, in turn, helps dads become more involved in the lives of their children. 

FEC_training_logo.pngNote the feedback from some of the practitioners who completed the Father Engagement Certificate™:

  • "The program was beyond good. The details and examples were thoroughly explained and easy to understand." 
  • “I thought it was very well structured--i.e., the 5 distinct sessions, the 4 areas of focus laid out in session 1, etc.--very cohesive. I think this is a real how-to curriculum.”
  • “I received a ton of good information about becoming a father-friendly organization. I immediately had a staff meeting to implement many of the things [I] learned.”
  • “[I liked] how well thought out the program was--great material and ideas from multiple angles.”
  • “[The training] was convenient to schedule when [I was] available. [I found the] referral to the book ‘Switch’ by Chip and Dan Heath [helpful]. I obtained the book at my local library and have gained much wisdom about the process of change. Thank you!”

EF_wide_logo.pngAnd from practitioners who completed the Effective Facilitation Certificate:

  • "It was comprehensive and included some information on developing yourself just as much as [on] how to teach a good class. I also liked the chances to reflect throughout the training."
  • "I learned leadership strategies and skills on how to have effective classes. More importantly, the program provided positive insight for decision making. The program, in my opinion, provides high levels of interaction and dialogue."
  • "The information was quality--not a repeat of other trainings. [It] pushed you to understand yourself."
  • "I liked being challenged to look at myself and the ways I can improve my facilitation skills through looking at the four skills needed, and even the different adult learning styles."

I encourage you to join the nearly 300 practitioners who have acquired the certificates and put what they've learned to use in improving the lives of those they serve.

For more information on and to register to acquire your certificate, click here for the Father Engagement Certificate™ and here for the Effective Facilitation Certificate.

Are you aware of the five core competencies your organization must develop to effectively engage dads? 

Is it time for you to become an even better facilitator?

Are you a dad looking for help? Please visit our Fatherhood Program Locator™ and enter your city and state on the map to find programs and resources in your community.

Date Published: 11/29/2016

Last Updated: 11/10/2021

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