The Father Factor

Request for Applications: Expanding the 24/7 Dad® Program in Select Western States

Posted by Melissa Byers

Most Recent Fatherhood Posts

Aug 3, 2021


NFI is pleased to announce the opening of its Request for Applications for organizations located in select 12 Western states who wish to partner with NFI to offer the 24/7 Dad®  Program to their community. NFI recently acquired funding to expand the use of the 24/7 Dad® program in the following states: Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, New Mexico, Montana, Nevada, Oklahoma, Oregon, Utah, Washington, Wyoming.

Eligible applicants may be any community-based entity that provides programs or direct services to families (e.g. nonprofit, faith-based organization, reentry facility, school, military installation, government agency, etc.).

Read on for project background, eligibility, and how to apply. The deadline for application submissions is Sunday, August 15, 2021, at Midnight EST.


NFI’s mission is to transform organizations and communities by equipping them to intentionally and proactively engage fathers in their children’s lives. NFI builds the capacity of community-based organizations that seek to begin or enhance fatherhood programs to benefit fathers, families, and especially children in their communities.

Our services build capacity through father-friendly assessments, skills training, technical assistance, strategic planning, and community mobilization around fatherhood. A vital aspect of this capacity- building effort has been the expansion of NFI’s evidence-based 24/7 Dad®program, such that the program has become the most widely used fathering program in the country among community-based organizations.

Independent third-party evaluations have shown the 24/7 Dad® program increases four assets, among diverse fathers and in diverse settings, that are critical to effective fathering:

  1. Increased awareness and knowledge in how to be a good father.
  2. Development of self-efficacy in the skills that mark a good father.
  3. A high-quality relationship with the mother of a father’s children (i.e. a good co- parenting relationship).
  4. Building of protective factors in fathers that are vital to reducing the risk of child abuse and neglect.

Opportunity for Organizations

NFI will equip select community-based organizations from the states listed above to run the 24/7 Dad® program. We will provide the selected organizations with free training and material resources to effectively run the 24/7 Dad® program (i.e., curriculum kits, fathering handbooks, additional web-based training, and technical support) to a mix of organizations that meet both of the following criteria:

  1. Organizations that do not currently use the 24/7 Dad® program (either version) and have the desire and capacity to implement the program for the first time.
  2. Organizations that have the staff/volunteer in place designated to run fatherhood programs and/or services.

To see the complete project details and requirements, click here to view the RFA webpage. Should you meet the eligibility criteria, we’d welcome your application to partner! A link to the application can be found on the aforementioned webpage.

24/7 Dad Curriculum Sample

Topics: Featured, General Fatherhood Research & Studies, 24/7 Dad

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