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This Outstanding New Resource on Fathering Will Help You Better Serve Dads

1 min read

Christopher A. Brown
Christopher A. Brown Chris serves as the President of National Fatherhood Initiative® (NFI), where he is responsible for overseeing the development and implementation of NFI's strategic plan and business model, as well as its operations and fundraising efforts.


Do you serve dads from different cultures?

If so, I’ve got an outstanding resource that will help you better serve them.

It’s Fathering in Cultural Contexts: Developmental and Clinical Issues by Jaipaul L. Roopnarine and Elif Dede Yildirim, a book that I recently finished reading. It summarizes what we know from cross-cultural research about the impact of culture on fathering and of dads on children's well-being. It's a must-read if you want to expand your knowledge of what we know about father involvement in developed and developing countries.

Here’s what you will learn from reading it.

  • The main models and theories that underlie research on dads’ involvement with children.
  • The different family forms in which dads and other men (e.g. male relatives) provide care for children, and how they provide that care.
  • The levels and quality of dads’ involvement in different aspects of children’s care (e.g. during pre- and post-natal periods, discipline of children, and children’s education).
  • How dads’ involvement influences children’s cognitive and social development.
  • The impact of fatherhood interventions on fathering and children’s development.
  • The impact of social policies (e.g. paternity leave) on fathering.

Even if you don’t serve dads from different cultures, I still recommend you read it to increase your knowledge about what we know from across the globe about fathering and dads’ impact on children’s well-being. If this anthropologist increased his knowledge by reading it, so can you.

Click here to order it here from Routledge, the publisher, or here to order it from Amazon.

If you order it from Routledge, be sure to select your country of residence from the pull-down menu at the top of the web page to see the cost in the currency of your home country.

How much do you know about the impact of different cultures on fathering?

Could you benefit from knowing more about fathering in different cultures?

Cutting Edge Tips for Running an Exceptional Fatherhood Program (On Demand)

Date Published: 12/03/2019

Last Updated: 11/22/2024

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