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general fatherhood research studies Posts

[Journal Article] Qualitative Evaluation of NFI’s Understanding Dad™

Posted by Christopher A. Brown   |   Jul 7, 2020
Last October I blogged about a second, independent evaluation of Understanding Dad™, a program of National Fatherhood Initiative®... Read More

Topics: Featured, NFI-Specific Programs & Resources, General Fatherhood Research & Studies

Help on Integrating Domestic Violence Awareness into Any Fatherhood Program

Posted by Christopher A. Brown   |   Jun 23, 2020
If your organization will apply for a Fatherhood—Family-focused, Interconnected, Resilient, and Essential (Fatherhood FIRE) grant... Read More

Topics: Featured, General Fatherhood Program Resources, NFI-Specific Programs & Resources, General Fatherhood Research & Studies

Fathers Are ‘Essential Workers’—But do They Know It?

Posted by Ave Mulhern   |   Jun 2, 2020
Back in October, I wrote a blog post titled “I Now Know I’m Important” where I cited two NFI research documents, Pop’s Culture, A... Read More

Topics: Featured, NFI-Specific Programs & Resources, General Fatherhood Research & Studies

An ‘Un-distancing’ Pandemic Proposal for Fathers and Daughters

Posted by National Fatherhood Initiative   |   May 12, 2020
The COVID-19 crisis presents a rare and much-needed opportunity to repair and strengthen father–daughter relationships. Like the... Read More

Topics: Featured, General Fatherhood Program Resources, General Fatherhood Research & Studies

Stronger Than Before: The Discipline of Eating Together

Posted by Ave Mulhern   |   May 5, 2020
Former UCLA Coach John Wooden once said, “Most all good things come through adversity.” He was quoting a favorite poem: ... Read More

Topics: Featured, General Fatherhood Program Resources, General Fatherhood Research & Studies

How Well Do Fatherhood Programs Integrate Domestic Violence Awareness and Education?

Posted by Christopher A. Brown   |   Apr 28, 2020
One of the primary concerns that has arisen during the COVID-19 pandemic is the reported surge worldwide in domestic violence as... Read More

Topics: Featured, General Fatherhood Program Resources, NFI-Specific Programs & Resources, General Fatherhood Research & Studies

Are Solo and Absent Dads More Alike or Different?

Posted by Christopher A. Brown   |   Feb 11, 2020
If I were to ask you whether dads who raise their children without a spouse or partner are more alike or different from dads who... Read More

Topics: Featured, General Fatherhood Program Resources, General Fatherhood Research & Studies

Is Your Parenting Program Enough to Engage Dads?

Posted by Erik Vecere   |   Feb 4, 2020
You can “reswizzle” your parenting program’s marketing to include more images of dads. You can bring in men to help... Read More

Topics: Featured, NFI-Specific Programs & Resources, General Fatherhood Research & Studies, Tips & Tricks

What’s the Return on Investment of a Fatherhood Program?

Posted by Christopher A. Brown   |   Jan 14, 2020
If I asked you to estimate the monetary return on investment (ROI) of a fatherhood program, what would you say it is? If you’re... Read More

Topics: Fundraising, Featured, General Fatherhood Program Resources, General Fatherhood Research & Studies

Be Aware: 10 Economic and Financial Forces that Affect Co-Parenting

Posted by Christopher A. Brown   |   Dec 17, 2019
Before you read on, grab a pen and write down as many economic and financial forces as you can that affect the ability to... Read More

Topics: Featured, General Fatherhood Program Resources, NFI-Specific Programs & Resources, General Fatherhood Research & Studies

Why You Really Do Need a Program Specifically for Fathers

Posted by Ave Mulhern   |   Dec 10, 2019
Separate but Equal. Yep, that’s right, I said it!But I’m not referring to the historic topic of racial segregation, but to the... Read More

Topics: Featured, NFI-Specific Programs & Resources, General Fatherhood Research & Studies

[Free Webinar] Findings from FRPN-Funded Projects 4

Posted by Melissa Byers   |   Nov 21, 2019
Tuesday, December 10, 20193-4:30 PM EST Findings from FRPN-Funded Projects 4: Fatherhood and Public Policy - Employment among... Read More

Topics: Featured, General Fatherhood Research & Studies

The One Reason, for Now, to Use Texting in a Fatherhood Program

Posted by Christopher A. Brown   |   Nov 5, 2019
Customer service. As the use of mobile phones has spread throughout societies all over the world, interventions that seek to... Read More

Topics: Featured, General Fatherhood Program Resources, General Fatherhood Research & Studies, Tips & Tricks

Words from a 24/7 Dad: I Now Know I'm Important

Posted by Ave Mulhern   |   Oct 30, 2019
That was a response we had from a father who attended a 24/7 Dad® program in Lauderdale, Florida. As part of a funded... Read More

Topics: Featured, NFI-Specific Programs & Resources, General Fatherhood Research & Studies

Second Evaluation of Understanding Dad™ Further Reveals the Program’s Promise

Posted by Christopher A. Brown   |   Oct 24, 2019
A second, more robust evaluation by Temple University (Philadelphia, PA) of the Understanding Dad™ program reveals its positive... Read More

Topics: Featured, General Fatherhood Program Resources, NFI-Specific Programs & Resources, General Fatherhood Research & Studies

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