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Why You Should Care about NFI’s Core Values

2 min read

Christopher A. Brown
Christopher A. Brown Chris serves as the President of National Fatherhood Initiative® (NFI), where he is responsible for overseeing the development and implementation of NFI's strategic plan and business model, as well as its operations and fundraising efforts.

National Fatherhood Initiative’s (NFI) core values matter to us, and they should matter just as much to you.

Last week, I introduced you to NFI’s revised mission.


This week, I introduce you to our core values. 

  • Listen closely to our partners
  • Delight our partners
  • Keep it simple
  • Develop and deliver the best fatherhood resources, training, and technical assistance

Our core values reflect our staff’s deep commitment to our mission. And they should matter just as much to you because we exist to provide the resources, training, and technical assistance our organization partners need to increase fathers’ involvement in their children’s lives.

Listen Closely to Our Partners 

Providing what organizations need starts with identifying their needs. That’s why we constantly gather feedback from staff at all levels of an organization to understand the challenges they face in engaging and involving dads.

And rest assured that when you contact us with input we’ll listen. 

Delight Our Partners

We want our organization partners to be delighted by what we offer and how our offerings help them engage and involve dads. We know that allocating money to purchase programs, other resources, and training can be a challenge. Organizations don’t always have the money to start or maintain their efforts to engage and involve dads.

That’s why we offer more than 100 free resources for download and online viewing. That’s also why we provide free, ongoing technical assistance to help you implement our programs and other resources.

Keep it Simple

As I mentioned in last week’s post, we revised our mission to make it simpler. Simplicity is not only a hallmark of a clear mission it’s a hallmark of a quality fatherhood resource.

Just as you don’t need a remote control with 40 buttons—most of which access features you’ll never use and make the device more complicated to use—you don’t need a resource that complicates engaging and involving dads. That’s why, for example, we limit the components (features) of our fatherhood programs to those that meet the most important needs in implementing and maintaining an effective program. We don’t provide what you don’t need.

Develop and Deliver the Best Fatherhood Resources, Training, and Technical Assistance 

Organizations need a variety of resources because the needs and ability to engage dads varies so dramatically among organizations.

You might need training on fatherhood resources and ongoing technical assistance to effectively implement them.

You also need to know our resources work—that we didn’t just pull them out of a hat because we thought they might work.

For those reasons and more, we are committed to offer a wide range of evidence-based and evidence-informed fatherhood programs and resources. We’re also committed to offer training options that suit your needs and budget and planning services that help you determine the best approach to implementing a fatherhood program or broader fatherhood initiative.

Our core values reflect that we understand how important our organization partners are to achieving our mission, and that together we can create a world in which every child has a 24/7 Dad.

What are your organization’s core values?

How well do your organization’s core values align with its mission?

Are you a dad looking for help? Please visit our Fatherhood Program Locator™ and enter your city and state on the map to find programs and resources in your community.

Date Published: 07/06/2016

Last Updated: 11/10/2021

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