{ Championing Fatherhood }

Educating and inspiring practitioners and staff in human service organizations.

success stories Posts

Why “Going to Where the Dads Are” is Key to Recruitment

Posted by Christopher A. Brown   |   Mar 12, 2019
Blown away. That’s how I reacted upon learning of the success of 24/7 Dad® program facilitator Tim Morgan running the program... Read More

Topics: Featured, NFI-Specific Programs & Resources, Program Recruitment & Retention, Success Stories

Class Teaches Utah Inmates How to be Better Dads

Posted by National Fatherhood Initiative   |   Mar 7, 2019
No matter how peaceful and quiet Beaver County is, there are some places you just don’t ever want to go. That place is easy to... Read More

Topics: Featured, NFI-Specific Programs & Resources, Success Stories

When Preparation Meets Opportunity

Posted by Ave Mulhern   |   Feb 21, 2019
I love the saying by Zig Ziglar, “Success occurs when preparation meets opportunity”.It was a mantra for my kids when they... Read More

Topics: Featured, NFI-Specific Programs & Resources, Success Stories

(Part 2) What it Takes for a State’s Child Support Agency to Partner with Fatherhood Programs

Posted by Christopher A. Brown   |   Feb 19, 2019
Positive Payment Pattern, or PPP. That was the phrase used by Harold Coleman, State Access and Visitation Coordinator in Iowa’s Read More

Topics: Featured, General Fatherhood Program Resources, NFI-Specific Programs & Resources, Program Recruitment & Retention, Success Stories

(Part 1) What it Takes to Partner with Your State’s Child Support Agency

Posted by Christopher A. Brown   |   Feb 12, 2019
Made Men founder Nelson Gabriel is one of the most creative and energetic leaders that I’ve met who seeks to improve his... Read More

Topics: Featured, General Fatherhood Program Resources, NFI-Specific Programs & Resources, Program Recruitment & Retention, Success Stories

Where’s Your Dad? Spokane’s Response to A Community Crisis

Posted by Ave Mulhern   |   Jan 10, 2019
While listening to the police scanner, Spokane County Sheriff Ozzie Knezovich heard the chilling report “a man with a gun” and... Read More

Topics: Featured, NFI-Specific Programs & Resources, Success Stories

A Fatherhood Champion in San Bernardino County

Posted by Melissa Byers   |   Dec 14, 2018
Ryan Berryman was tired of waiting. He had worked with children and families for over 20 years in San Bernardino County and... Read More

Topics: Featured, NFI-Specific Programs & Resources, Success Stories

[Free Marketing Materials] The Road ‘You Medical’ Traveled to a Successful 24/7 Dad® Program

Posted by Melissa Byers   |   Oct 30, 2018
Talk about turning nothing into something. When Brandon Gregory joined You Medical 2 years ago, they didn’t have much of a... Read More

Topics: Featured, NFI-Specific Programs & Resources, Program Recruitment & Retention, Success Stories, Tips & Tricks

Partner Spotlight > This School District Uses More Than Donuts to Engage Dads

Posted by Christopher A. Brown   |   Oct 16, 2018
Donuts for Dads. Whenever I talk with someone in a school about how they engage dads—and they actually seek to engage dads—I... Read More

Topics: Featured, NFI-Specific Programs & Resources, Success Stories

InsideOut Dad program graduates largest class to date

Posted by National Fatherhood Initiative   |   Oct 11, 2018
Photo: Jarnakin Brown receives his diploma from Tim Carothers during a graduation ceremony for the InsideOut Dad program at... Read More

Topics: Featured, Success Stories

Partner Spotlight > Inspired Use of Spanish-Language Print Materials Creates a Father-Friendly Environment

Posted by Christopher A. Brown   |   Oct 4, 2018
The foundation of any effective effort to serve dads is a father-friendly organization. To lay the rebar for that foundation,... Read More

Topics: Featured, NFI-Specific Programs & Resources, Success Stories

Partner Spotlight > Operation New Hope Continues Years of Great Work with InsideOut Dad®

Posted by Melissa Byers   |   Sep 13, 2018
“When I first started the [InsideOut Dad®] program, I figured I was too old to get anything from it because both of my children... Read More

Topics: Featured, NFI-Specific Programs & Resources, Success Stories

[Partner Spotlight] Christian Heritage Sheds Light on Successful Work in Corrections & Reentry

Posted by Ave Mulhern   |   Aug 30, 2018
Several years ago, in a site visit to a Milwaukee Jail, I sat in on a fathers’ group and heard a father complain fervently that... Read More

Topics: Featured, NFI-Specific Programs & Resources, Success Stories

Exchange Club’s Remarkable Success with Dads in Home Visits

Posted by Christopher A. Brown   |   Aug 28, 2018
One of the most difficult programs to recruit dads into is a home visiting program. In some cases, the reason dads don’t... Read More

Topics: Featured, NFI-Specific Programs & Resources, Success Stories

A Nebraska prison held a father-daughter dance, and it was beautiful

Posted by Melissa Byers   |   Apr 26, 2018
This article was reposted with permission from Brad Brown, CEO of Christian Heritage. Incarcerated dads and their little girls... Read More

Topics: Featured, Success Stories, InsideOut Dad®

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