{ Championing Fatherhood }

Educating and inspiring practitioners and staff in human service organizations.

success stories Posts

Why Fathering in 15™ is a Hit for a Diversity of Organizations [Part 2]

Posted by Christopher A. Brown   |   Apr 12, 2018
Following on my post from Tuesday, I recently completed a round of interviews with 14 organizations that have subscribed to... Read More

Topics: Featured, Success Stories, Fathering in 15™

15 Awesome Tips to Help Incarcerated Dads Plan for Child Visits

Posted by Christopher A. Brown   |   Apr 4, 2018
One of the primary ways to reduce the likelihood of an incarcerated dad returning to prison is to help him connect with his... Read More

Topics: Featured, NFI-Specific Programs & Resources, Success Stories, InsideOut Dad®

Fathers Struggling to Connect with Their Kids? Have Them do This to Fix Things.

Posted by Roland Warren   |   Mar 29, 2018
Recently, I started facilitating a men’s class for a group of fathers in a homeless shelter’s residential treatment program. I am... Read More

Topics: Featured, Success Stories, General Fatherhood Research & Studies

3 Keys to Building an Effective Fatherhood Group

Posted by Christopher A. Brown   |   Mar 27, 2018
To build an effective fatherhood group, it’s vital to think about the group as more than a collection of individuals. Think about... Read More

Topics: Featured, Program Recruitment & Retention, Success Stories, General Fatherhood Research & Studies

InsideOut Dad®: Changing lives of inmates, their families

Posted by National Fatherhood Initiative   |   Mar 20, 2018
“She’s so beautiful” are words Arthur Bess repeated upon seeing his six-month-old daughter for the first time. Bess and two... Read More

Topics: Featured, Success Stories

CEO of Microsoft Shares Impact of Raising a Child with Special Needs

Posted by Christopher A. Brown   |   Mar 13, 2018
Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella is widely credited with turning around the fortunes of the tech behemoth since he took over for... Read More

Topics: Featured, Success Stories, General Fatherhood Research & Studies

‘Strengthening families, changing lives and restoring hope’: Frederick Newell of The Dream Center

Posted by National Fatherhood Initiative   |   Mar 6, 2018
“Our mission is strengthening families, changing lives and restoring hope,” said Frederick Newell, executive director ofThe... Read More

Topics: Featured, NFI-Specific Programs & Resources, Success Stories

[Video] Roland Warren Receives NFI's 2017 Fatherhood Award

Posted by Melissa Byers   |   Dec 21, 2017
In a presentation very fitting for the man who pioneered the award, Andy Schoka, former NFI Board Chairman (pictured right), and... Read More

Topics: Success Stories

What Do 584 Dads Say About 24/7 Dad® Building the Characteristics of Great Dads?

Posted by Christopher A. Brown   |   Dec 5, 2017
For the past two weeks in this blog, I’ve shared the results of a stunning evaluation conducted by the Child and Family Research... Read More

Topics: NFI-Specific Programs & Resources, Success Stories, Research on NFI Programs & Resources

What Do 645 Dads Say About 24/7 Dad® Reducing Risk of Child Abuse and Neglect?

Posted by Christopher A. Brown   |   Nov 28, 2017
Last week in this blog, I provided an overview of a stunning evaluation conducted by the Child and Family Research Partnership... Read More

Topics: NFI-Specific Programs & Resources, Success Stories, Research on NFI Programs & Resources

Stunning Evaluation Shows Impact of 24/7 Dad® on Reducing Chance of Child Abuse and Neglect

Posted by Christopher A. Brown   |   Nov 21, 2017
The Child and Family Research Partnership (CFRP) at the University of Texas at Austin just published a report on their... Read More

Topics: Success Stories, General Fatherhood Research & Studies, Research on NFI Programs & Resources

How Another Home-Visiting Program Benefits from the Flexibility of 24/7 Dad®

Posted by Christopher A. Brown   |   Oct 31, 2017
Home-visiting programs continue to reap the benefits of the evidence-based 24/7 Dad® program’s flexibility. I recently had the... Read More

Topics: NFI-Specific Programs & Resources, Success Stories

The One Resource Grayson County Detention Center Uses to Open Dads' Hearts and Minds to Group-Based Fatherhood Programs

Posted by Christopher A. Brown   |   Oct 10, 2017
If you’re a regular reader of this blog, you know that I regularly interview staff and volunteers in organizations that use... Read More

Topics: NFI-Specific Programs & Resources, Success Stories

Camp Grace Reunites Incarcerated Fathers with Their Children

Posted by Melissa Byers   |   Aug 7, 2017
We're all about connecting fathers with their children, heart to heart—and we know that it's doubly important for fathers who are... Read More

Topics: General Fatherhood Program Resources, NFI-Specific Programs & Resources, Success Stories

Spotlight > Hoop for HOPES Fatherhood Program Event

Posted by Melissa Byers   |   Aug 3, 2017
Scheduling an event is a fun way to draw attention to your programs and services for dads and families. We've seen all sorts of... Read More

Topics: NFI-Specific Programs & Resources, Success Stories

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