{ Championing Fatherhood }

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Most Recent Fatherhood Posts

Christopher A. Brown

Christopher A. Brown

Chris is President of National Fatherhood Initiative. He is married to Kayla, has two adult daughters, and lives in Texas.

Recent Posts

Use this Exercise to Address Gendered Parenting

Posted by Christopher A. Brown   |   Oct 19, 2021
In your work with parents, do you address the ways in which dads and moms interact with their sons and daughters differently? ... Read More

Topics: Featured, General Fatherhood Research & Studies, Tips & Tricks, Any Dad/Community Based

This One Tactic Could Boost Retention in Your Fatherhood Program

Posted by Christopher A. Brown   |   Oct 5, 2021
What’s the best thing you can to do get dads to return consistently to fatherhood program sessions? New research suggests that... Read More

Topics: Featured, Program Recruitment & Retention, General Fatherhood Research & Studies, Any Dad/Community Based

How to Deliver a Fatherhood Program in a Housing Authority

Posted by Christopher A. Brown   |   Sep 28, 2021
“About 6 years ago, some of our Housing Authority employees noticed that there were a lot of single moms at the properties we... Read More

Topics: Featured, General Fatherhood Program Resources, NFI-Specific Programs & Resources, Success Stories, Understanding Dad™, 24/7 Dad, Tips for Success, Any Dad/Community Based, Recruit & Retain Dads, Train & Facilitate, Virtual Delivery

More Research Shows Dads Stepping Up During the Pandemic

Posted by Christopher A. Brown   |   Sep 7, 2021
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues so too does research on its effects on parenting. A new working paper from researchers at... Read More

Topics: Featured, General Fatherhood Research & Studies, Any Dad/Community Based

The Latest Data on Incarcerated Dads and Their Children Might Shock You

Posted by Christopher A. Brown   |   Aug 24, 2021
If I asked you to estimate the number of incarcerated dads in federal and state prisons, what estimate would you give me? And if... Read More

Topics: Featured, NFI-Specific Programs & Resources, General Fatherhood Research & Studies, InsideOut Dad®, Corrections & Reentry

Evaluation of Tampa-Based REACHUP’s 24/7 Dad® Program Supports Its Effectiveness Especially with Young Dads

Posted by Christopher A. Brown   |   Jul 27, 2021
A recently-published evaluation of REACHUP’s use of the 24/7 Dad® program of National Fatherhood Initiative® lends additional... Read More

Topics: Featured, NFI-Specific Programs & Resources, General Fatherhood Research & Studies, 24/7 Dad, Program Evaluations

How Great Dads SERVE

Posted by Christopher A. Brown   |   Jun 15, 2021
Father’s Day is a great time for dads to reassess their fathering. This coming Father’s Day is no exception. Three simple... Read More

Topics: Featured, General Fatherhood Program Resources, Tips for Success, Any Dad/Community Based

Try This Creative Solution for Work with Incarcerated Dads

Posted by Christopher A. Brown   |   Jun 2, 2021
I never cease to be amazed at the creative solutions developed by partners of National Fatherhood Initiative®(NFI). One such... Read More

Topics: Featured, General Fatherhood Program Resources, NFI-Specific Programs & Resources, InsideOut Dad®, State & Local Agencies, Tips for Success, Corrections & Reentry

The 7 Things to Teach Dads about Civility

Posted by Christopher A. Brown   |   May 18, 2021
If you’re as tired as I am about the lack of civility in public discourse, then I highly recommend that you read Love Your Enemies Read More

Topics: Featured, General Fatherhood Program Resources, Tips for Success, Any Dad/Community Based

A Must-Read Book on Fatherhood Programming

Posted by Christopher A. Brown   |   May 4, 2021
If you’ve subscribed to this blog for a while, you know that I’ve blogged often about the fantastic research sponsored by the ... Read More

Topics: Featured, General Fatherhood Program Resources, General Fatherhood Research & Studies

How to Help Dads with Depression

Posted by Christopher A. Brown   |   Apr 6, 2021
Do you work with dads who have experienced depression? If so, some exciting research has emerged on how the development of... Read More

Topics: Featured, General Fatherhood Program Resources, NFI-Specific Programs & Resources, General Fatherhood Research & Studies

Have Dads Stepped Up During the Pandemic?

Posted by Christopher A. Brown   |   Mar 23, 2021
The pandemic has brought numerous challenges to parents from keeping their families safe from the virus to adjusting to work... Read More

Topics: Featured, General Fatherhood Program Resources, General Fatherhood Research & Studies

How Fatherhood Programs Can Get into the 2Gen Game

Posted by Christopher A. Brown   |   Feb 23, 2021
One the most recent and fastest-growing efforts to strengthen families are two-generation (2Gen) programs and initiatives. 2Gen... Read More

Topics: Fundraising, Featured, General Fatherhood Program Resources

What 713 Dads Say About InsideOut Dad® Provides Further Evidence for Its Effectiveness

Posted by Christopher A. Brown   |   Feb 9, 2021
A study of 713 incarcerated dads by researchers at Utah State University says a lot about the effectiveness of National... Read More

Topics: Featured, NFI-Specific Programs & Resources, General Fatherhood Research & Studies

Why You Should Use Understanding Dad™ to Improve Coparenting

Posted by Christopher A. Brown   |   Jan 26, 2021
Improving coparenting is one of the primary concerns of staff who serve fathers, mothers, and families. That’s why two... Read More

Topics: Featured, General Fatherhood Program Resources, NFI-Specific Programs & Resources, General Fatherhood Research & Studies

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